by H. L. Nigro
5.5 x 0.83 x 8.5 inches
372 pages
One of the first books on the prewrath rapture and now a classic alongside Marvin Rosenthal's The Prewrath Rapture of the Church and Robert Van Kampen's The Rapture Question Answered: Plain & Simple. This book both lays out the plain, common-sense approach to the rapture according to the scriptures and takes a critical look at the pretrib, midtrib, and post-tribulational positions, including critiques of key texts.
by Charles Cooper
6 x 0.72 x 9 inches
348 pages
This is the first scholarly defense of the pillars of the prewrath position put forth by Charles Cooper, former professor at Moody Bible Institute and now founder of the Prewrath Resource Institute and one of the position's most well-known and well-respected lecturers. The book takes a serious academic look at the application of Matthew 24:1–31 and Daniel 9 to the church, but is written to be accessible to readers at all levels.
by Charles Cooper
5.5 x 0.53 x 8.5 inches
352 pages
What if God calls upon us to be the final generation to face the Antichrist? Should you fight against him? Should you flee to safety? Or should you stand in faith? In Fight, Flight, or Faith, Charles Cooper answers that question. He concludes that physical resistance will prove futile and that modern technology makes hiding impossible. Thus, the answer, he says, is faith. But how much faith will be required? Will you have enough?
by Ryan Habbena
5.5 x 0.54 x 8.5 inches
236 pages
As end-times speculation and scenarios continue to flood the land, how are we to discern the true markers of Christ's return from the false? In this book, pastor and teacher Ryan Habbena explores the scriptures' primary texts regarding the second coming and the events that surround this glorious event. By taking the reader through the Olivet Discourse, the books of Daniel and Revelation, and the Thessalonian epistles, Habbena gives fresh insight into the parable of the fig tree and what we can learn in order to be watching and well-prepared for the return of the King of Kings.
by Ryan Habbena
5.5 x 0.39 x 8.5 inches
182 pages
Once we come to salvation in Jesus, the next step is to grow in our walk with God. Ultimately, God's goal for us is to be conformed to the image of his Son (Rom. 8:29). This process is called sanctification. But how do we accomplish this? The apostle Paul gives us clear direction: "Walk by the Spirit" (Gal. 5:16). In this book, author and pastor Ryan Habbena unpacks the vast significance of this command, and it is one that is relevant to every one of us. As he writes: "We are pilgrims. We are engaged in an epic conflict. The central front in this ongoing war is our allegiance and obedience to the King of Kings."
by Charles Cooper
5.06 x 0.13 x 7.81 inches
64 pages
"For I will keep you from the hour of trial that will come upon the whole earth" (Rev. 3:10). For the pretrib rapture view, this is the foundational verse that underpins the entire view. But does this verse really teach that the church will be raptured before the great tribulation? If not, what does that do to the scholarly support for this widely held view? It devastates it. In these pages, Charles Cooper of The Prewrath Rapture Institute and author of God's Elect and the Great Tribulation and Fight, Flight, or Faith deep dives into this fascinating topic. What does this critical, foundational verse for the pretrib view — Revelation 3:10 — really teach?
by David Bussard
5.5 x 0.38 x 8.5 inches
161 pages
In this book, Bussard takes us back to the Bible to examine what it teaches on the end-times and the rapture of the church. Written in an easy-to-read style, the title critically examines the teaching of the pretribulation theory of the rapture that is the foundation of the Left Behind series. Bussard explores the books of Daniel, Matthew, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, and Revelation, and builds a solid case for the timing of the rapture.
by H. L. Nigro
5.5 x 0.78 x 8.5 inches
348 pages
H. L. Nigro's classic defense of the prewrath rapture position, now available in Spanish. All of the original text, charts, and footnotes providing a detailed explanation and defense of the prewrath position, contrasted with today's popular pretribulation rapture position.
by T. T. Schlegel
5.5 x 0.14 x 8.5 inches
60 pages
The interpretation of Dan. 9:25–26 has challenged biblical scholars for centuries. Because of this prophecy's significance for identifying "messiah prince," it continues to be a source of debate between Christians and Jews. Within Christendom, most contemporary commentators have followed the common belief that the terminus a quo, or "beginning point," of the 70 "weeks," occurred in either 445 BC or 444 BC, which points to Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem as the end point, or terminus ad quem, of the first 69 weeks. But is this biblically supportable? T. T. Schlegel takes a critical look.
by Samuel P. Tregelles (born 1813)
5.5 x 0.35 x 8.5 inches
152 pages
Samuel P. Tregelles, respected nineteenth century theologian and biblical scholar, lived during the rapid growth in popularity of the "secret rapture" teaching, now refined into what we know today as the pretribulation rapture position. The Hope of Christ's Coming is his response to this position, and as someone intimately acquainted with this position's birth, his analysis should be seriously considered by all students of prophecy today.
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by Alan Kurschner
6 x 0.58 x 9 inches
239 pages
Audiobook available
While not published by Strong Tower Publishing, this title by Alan Kurschner of Eschatos Ministries offers an excellent treatise on the prewrath rapture. Topics include the revelation of the Antichrist, the prewrath rapture of God's people, the celestial disturbance, the sixth seal signaling God's wrath, where believers go after the rapture, four reasons the rapture is seen in Matthew 24:31, the day of the Lord that Jesus knew, the seventh seal pronouncing wrath, the trumpet and bowl judgments, the battle of Armageddon, the structure of the book of Revelation, and more.
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